Hi, how ya doing?
I run this blog, as much as you can say anyone runs it. It has been around since 2008 but only publishes sporadically. I'm hoping to make that change soon.
Here's the story:
Pretty much since I discovered pornography on the internet I've tried to save it. I'd find hot pictures and save them on my hard drive (or rather my parents) for later. That was the problem actually it was my parents computer and I would immediately worry that they would discover it and so I'd delete it. Even when I got my own machine I'd store stuff for a bit but live in constant fear that my roommate would find it or worse yet I'd die and my family would find out posthumously what a perv I was in life.
Also hard drives back then weren't big so I never had much room for the massive amounts of porn I was consuming. Briefly I tried storing pictures on floppies but those are so small it never worked out. Plus its a pain trying to bring up each picture ever so slowly from those disks. Its like the days of dial-up where I'd click on a thumbnail and spent the next several minutes, dick in hand, waiting for the photo to load.
Speeds increased as did hard drive space but it was always the same. I'd store photos for awhile then delete them. Eventually cloud storage became more of a reality (though at first I didn't hear it called that) and I started uploading sexy pictures to various sites or a gmail account. At last I could finally keep the photos without fear of it being discovered on my hard drive (not that at this point anyone would really care at this point, but those teenage fears still exist.) One day I thought it would be fun to keep those photos on a blog and here we have it.
The initial idea wasn't so much that I wanted people to come here (although it was always fun seeing the stats) but rather this could be a place where I could go when no other site was doing it for me.
Every now and again I'd get grooving on it pretty regular and that was fun but just like the storage eventually I'd burn out on it or just get busy with other life things. I'd like to start it up again pretty regular and have made some decisions concerning what I'm going to post. The internet is a niche market and that goes for naked pictures too so I'm gonna try to provide certain types of content. A quick look at the blog will give you a pretty good idea of what I already love. Mainly upskirts/pantyhose and celebrities. That's pretty much what you can expect from now on.
Here's the breakdown:
1. Upskirt: Since I first discovered girls I've loved looking up their skirts. There is something incredibly sexy about watching a girl uncross her legs and reveal that little white triangle. I actually rather hate commando upskirt pictures as it always seems fake to me and somehow seeing panties is much sexier.
2. Pantyhose: I love the way hose forms and shapes a woman's legs and ass. I love the different colors and styles they come in too. I love seeing their panties up underneath them as well, its like candy wrapped up in chocolate.
3. Celebrities. I don't what it is about celebrity skin that makes it so appealing, but it is. Part of it is that usually they are very attractive people, but its also like you know them somehow. Different than random strangers a celebrity brings with them a familiarity.
4. Lingerie: I'm very particular about this category. I'm not such a huge fan of the Victoria's Secret type deal. Girls in just their underwear don't do it for me that much, but like the upskirts a hidden reveal is magic. Seeing a little thong stick up from the pants or an upshort shot is glorious.
I've come up with some thing of a schedule too.
Monday upskirts
Tuesday pantyhose: this will include leggings, yoga pants and any form fitting super tight pants.
Wednesday celebs: I'm gonna limit these to celebrities showing me stuff from the above categories which will keep out the naked celebs that I love by I do want to keep the site to form. Celebs are the one time I do allow myself to enjoy commando upskirts though so you might see some pussy here.
Thursday hodgepodge: Anything that doesn't fit into another category will go here.
Friday movies: Mostly this will be youtube videos that I dig, but I'm also going through my DVD collections and editing them down to underwear shots.
I'll try to post a few things each day, but there may be times when I only post one picture or sometimes nothing at all, depending on how my regular schedule is going.
Anyways I hope this makes the site more streamlined and exciting.
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